Our Support & Service

A supportive partner not a supplier.

Global Assistance

If you’re looking to license and implement our leading IMH bottle technology please contact one of our many professionals in your part of the world.

End-to-end solution

We offer full transitional expertise from concept to realisation. Our expert team will fully assess your requirements, develop designs and prototypes, deliver and commission all manufacturing platforms, train manufacturing staff and offer 24hr global support.

Global support

We offer Technical support in Territories to assist transitioning to IMH™ technology. Integrated Plastics is partnering with a growing number of IMH™ Bottle licensed partners and the worlds most respected equipment manufacturers and suppliers.


Our clients leverage our expertise and exploit the unique and evolving patented and commercialised Bottle designs (IMH™). Our technology is equally applicable across all market sectors including Diary, Edible Oil, Household Chemical and Home Care, Beverage and Automotive lubricants.



First commercialised in the Australian domestic market in 2006 the team at Integrated Plastics have tirelessly insured continual evolution and improvement of IMH™ bottles and IMH™ manufacturing systems.

Delivering in excess of 100 million IMH™ bottles each year we stand by our commitment to meet all expectations.

IMH™ registered patents,
designs, and trademarks

Integrated Plastics is the Global Centralised Manager of registrations relating to IMH™ patented designs.

We hold and manage a database of innovative IMH designs that allows our customers to optimise and exploit years of R&D and commercially proven IMH designs.

Future Proofing

At Integrated Plastics we understand that if you choose to stand still the world will pass you by. That is why we are committed to maintaining a continuous evolution of improvement and insuring as those improvements come they are offered to all who make the commitment to IMH™ technology.

Protection & Reach

The Integrated Plastics IMH™ licensing process ensures your designs retain their
in-market benefits of innovation, differentiation and practical performance


IMH™ registered patents,
designs, and trademarks


Integrated Plastics is the Global Centralised Manager of registrations relating to IMH™ patented designs.

We hold and manage a database of innovative IMH designs that allows our customers to optimise and exploit years of R&D and commercially proven IMH™ designs.